Mesa Cannery

The Mesa Cannery is run by the LDS church and is a great resource in our area for food storage. It is a good starting point when a family wants to start or beef up their food storage supply. This store has many bulk items including whole grains, dairy products, beans, rice, carrots, potatoes, etc. You can also purchase #10 cans and lids for canning your own dry products.

NOTE: If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), you will need to accompany an LDS member to purchase items from the Mesa, AZ Cannery!

The address of the Mesa Cannery is: 235 S El Dorado Cir, Mesa, AZ 85202. It is located off of Broadway between the 101 and Dobson Road.

The phone number to contact the Cannery is: (480) 214-9114 (Dry-pack) OR (480) 967-8551 (Wet-pack).

Hours for 2015:
Mesa Cannery Hours (2015):
Bulk product and pre-packaged items can be purchased during the cannery hours below:
* Tuesday: 10am-6pm (starting 7-11-15)
* Wednesday: 10am-2pm
* Thursday: 10am-2pm
* Friday: 10am-2pm
* Saturday: 10am-2pm
NOTE: Mesa Cannery is closed Sunday and Monday.

To find out the most current price info visit this provident living site on the lds website:

You can also buy #10 cans at the cannery and seal items at home. Then the stake has a #10 can sealer that you can borrow. The stake also has a mylar sealer and a pressure canner to help you with your food storage. To borrow you need to contact the stake preparedness specialist (currently Brother and Sister Mecham… you can look up their information in the lds stake directory on the website).

To see the LDS church’s recommended amounts of different items visit this helpful link:

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